Wholesale Diamonds in Dallas, TX
Welcome to the Shapiro Diamonds, Wholesale Diamond Dealer in Dallas. Shapiro Diamonds offers wholesale diamonds in Dallas to the end-user. We purchase diamonds directly from the best diamond mines and cutting facilities in the world. We have a long-standing relationship with overseas loose diamond cutting facilities in Belgium, Europe, and Israel and use those relationships to secure wholesale diamonds in Dallas. We are able to deliver exquisitely-cut diamonds that hold the highest ability to reflect brilliance and sparkle.
Diamond Dealers in Dallas
Shapiro Diamonds is an International Market Buyer of diamonds and purchases diamonds directly from the Diamond Mines and Diamond Cutters. Because the diamond changes hands only twice before reaching the user (four fewer times than Traditional Diamond Distribution), the diamond is “marked-up” five less times before reaching the user. This means you get significantly more diamond for your money. Working with Shapiro Diamonds maximizes your purchasing power allowing you to get a larger, higher quality diamond for your budget. This is the true definition of wholesale priced diamonds and Shapiro Diamonds brings wholesale diamond prices directly to you.

What Are Wholesale Diamonds?
Wholesale diamonds are loose diamonds which you can buy directly from wholesale diamond jewelers, as opposed to diamonds which can be bought from retail stores. While retailers have limited diamond choices and high markup prices, wholesalers usually have a very large selection where you can choose loose diamonds according to your specifications. Shapiro Diamonds in Dallas is a diamond showroom offering wholesale diamonds and wholesale engagement rings. We provide wholesale prices on loose diamonds and create custom diamond engagement rings and jewelry.
We bypass diamond dealers, distributors and retailers, thereby eliminating price mark-ups. We sell the same high-quality diamonds to our customers as we do to our retail stores who resell our jewelry pieces. We offer our exceptional quality, GIA certified diamonds to our customers at a fraction of the price you would pay online or at a diamond retailer.
Because Shapiro Diamonds is an International Market Buyer of diamonds, we are able to significantly circumvent the traditional diamond distribution channels. This reduces the number of markups diamond changes hands before reaching the end user. Working with Shapiro Diamonds maximizes your purchasing power by offering certified diamonds at wholesale prices.

Are Wholesale Diamonds in Dallas Less Expensive?
Yes, wholesale diamonds will be less expensive than diamonds you’ll find at jewelry stores, other jewelers and even the world trade center. Our prices generally run 25% to 50% below retail jewelry stores

How do I get a Wholesale Diamonds in Dallas?
Call us today at (972)-239-2122 to set up an appointment to visit our showroom and design studio. We’ll have a large collection of stones available for you to view within your desired quality specifications and budget.

What is a Wholesale Engagement Ring?
A wholesale engagement ring is a ring that includes a diamond that was sold at a wholesale price. Contact us today to discuss and view a collection of wholesale diamonds. We’d love to work with you! 972-239-2122

The traditional diamond distribution channel involves a diamond being bought and sold a minimum of seven times. This results in huge markups and profits being generated. This ultimately leads to a very expensive diamond for the end user. The sooner you can circumvent this supply chain and the closer you can get to the diamonds source, the less expensively the end user can purchase the desired diamond.
How Are Wholesale Diamonds Traded?
All diamonds are loose diamonds and are sold in bulk as rough, uncut goods from diamond miner owners to diamond cutters. Diamond Wholesalers then buy parcels or individual, polished stones from the cutters. The larger the parcel or higher quantity of loose diamonds, the better the deal is. The diamond wholesalers then sell the stones to diamond market buyers or diamond dealers, who then sell to diamond dealers. The dealers then memo the diamonds out to retail jewelry stores on consignment or for purchase (becoming jewelry store inventory). Jewelry store owners either mount the loose diamonds into manufactured jewelry pieces or sell as loose diamonds to the end user, as often found in engagement rings.
The Traditional Diamond Distribution channel involves a diamond being bought and sold a minimum of seven times. This results in huge markups and profits being generated. This ultimately leads to a very expensive diamond for the end user. The sooner you can circumvent this supply chain and the closer you can get to the diamonds source, the less expensively the end user can purchase the desired diamond. Shapiro Diamonds offers wholesale diamonds to the end user, eliminating the multiple mark-ups and allowing you to get a larger, better quality diamond for your planned budget. Wholesalers buy diamonds directly from manufactures who buy the rough from diamond miners. Wholesalers, then in turn sell to the retailers who then sell to the end consumer.
Are Wholesale Diamonds Less Expensive?
Wholesale diamonds are less expensive because fewer people have owned the diamond before it reaches the end user. The fewer times the diamond is traded (also known as bought and sold), the fewer mark-ups and commissions are earned, lowering the overall price of the diamond. The closer the consumer can get to the original diamond source (often the diamond mine or diamond cutter), the more affordable the diamond will become. Additionally, wholesale diamonds are less expensive because they are sold as loose diamonds, not set stones. They are not mounted into to complete jewelry pieces. Wholesale Diamonds are ideal for jewelers like Shapiro Diamonds and those who want to create unique pieces of diamond jewelry based on their specific preferences on settings, design, and style.
Why is Shapiro Diamonds Wholesale Diamonds?
There are many reasons we can sell wholesale diamonds in Dallas easily. The cost of selling a diamond is substantially higher for a retail jewelry store than it is for Shapiro Diamonds. We are a diamond showroom without the overhead and expenses associated with retail jewelry stores. Examples include: Location: Traditional Jewelers are often located in the highest rent areas of malls (the intersection of two or more corridors) or shopping centers (free standing store near the road). Rent and overhead must be covered each month. This overage must be covered by profit on diamond and jewelry sales. Shapiro Diamonds is located in an office building, which allows for low overhead and privacy during diamond consultations. Sales Staff: In a jewelry store, you will often find more salespeople than customers. This is necessary to cover unpredictable fluctuations in traffic throughout the day. Because each customer is so profitable, it makes sense to be fully staffed at all times. Each diamond sale has to cover both the cost of the sale, the overhead to support that salesperson AND commission on the sale. When working with us, you’ll work with the owner of the company and jewelry designer, no commissioned sales staff. Jewelry Inventory: Jewelry stores own their jewelry inventory. The inventory is usually high dollar and slow turning, incurring substantial costs for the retailer. Shapiro Diamonds custom-designs each piece for every customer, ensuring each piece is made-to-love forever. The prices on diamonds and jewelry must be higher for a retail jewelry store because the costs and risks of doing business are higher, requiring a higher profit margin on their diamonds.
How Do We Sell Wholesale Diamonds in Dallas?
In fact, Shapiro Diamonds offers the best of both worlds. While the majority of our sales are to individuals, the pricing is equal or better than what is typically found at wholesale. By taking an approach of lower mark up, and a low expense ratio (typically 25% to 50% lower than a traditional jeweler), Shapiro Diamonds is able to offer the customer what they really want when they ask for a wholesale diamond. Still curious about Wholesale Diamonds? Read on! Below are a few questions that we are frequently asked. If you have any additional ones to add, please let us know!