Asscher Cut Diamonds in Dallas

If you’re in the process of seeking the perfect asscher cut diamond, let Shapiro Diamonds in Dallas be your guide. There are a number of different criteria that factor in to creating the perfect diamond, so it’s essential to get advice from long-standing diamond experts and jewelry designers in Dallas.
What Is An Asscher Diamond?
The GIA (Gemological Institute of America) defines an asscher cut diamond as a diamond with “square emerald cuts”. This means that this diamond shape must have two defining aspects.
The first aspect is straight, step-cut faceting. Step-cut faceting is a cutting and polishing technique that turns an unpolished, rough stone into the beautiful sparkling diamonds you wear. A step-cut stone features rectangular shaped facets neatly arranged, one on top of the other.
The second aspect of an asscher cut diamond is angled, 45 degree corners. The combination of four straight sides, and four 45 degree angled corners, creating an 8 sided stone. This creates the asscher cut diamond. The ideal diamond would be a perfect square stone, but with angled corners, creating an 8 sided stone.
What Does an Asscher Diamond Look Like?
As you look at the outer edge of this diamond, you’ll first notice a square outer edge of the diamond. At quick glance it may look like a square but upon a closer look, you’ll notice that the edges of the stone are not perfectly turned corners, but are angled corners. The angled corners result in an 8 sided exterior edge. An Asscher Cut has step-cuts with angled corners with facets that run parallel to the girdle. Asscher is a term often used in the marketplace to describe these square Emerald cuts.
When looking into the asscher cut, you’ll notice an appearance that looks very different that the traditional diamonds you may have seen. You’ll see step-cut faceting. This can appear like little stacking boxes neatly arranged one inside of another, one smaller than the one on top of it. This look has also been described as “panes of glass stacked on top of one another”. You may even see an “X” as you look deep into the diamond.
Asscher cut diamonds can appear shiny and clear in appearance. They may not sparkle as much as brilliant-cut diamonds, and don’t “throw” glittering, sparkling light the way brilliantly-faceting diamonds often do. However, there is a certain understated elegance and sophistication about this shape of diamond. Their beauty simply cannot be matched by other diamonds. Like emerald cuts, asscher cut diamonds have the clarity of water, allowing you to see all the way through the diamond to the backside of the diamond.
Who Likes Asscher Cut Diamonds?
The Asscher Cut Diamond was first cut in 1902 by the Asscher Brothers of Holland and became popular in the Art Deco age following World War I. Originally considered “antique” and “vintage” due to its Royal British heritage, this shape diamond has recently become popular again. Hollywood A-listers are choosing Asscher cut diamonds as engagement rings, as well as the fashion-conscious crowds and trend-settings such as Carrie Bradshaw on the show Sex and the City. Since then, Kate Hudson and Gwyneth Paltrow have received Asscher cut engagement rings. Women who both follow trends on and off the runway and love vintage designs can wear this shape diamond ring with confidence.
What is the Best Setting for an Asscher Cut?
Asscher cut diamonds look very good in many different setting styles and it is truly up to the wearer of the diamond to decide. Traditionally, these diamonds are set in four-prong solitaire settings for engagement rings. These open pronged settings allow plenty of light to enter the stone, maximizing its flash and fire qualities. Cathedral prong settings lift an Asscher cut stone up even higher – a feature which helps the stone to really stand out on diamond solitaire engagement rings. Smaller Asscher cut diamonds also look great in a halo setting, especially if accented by shared prong on pave set diamonds. This can make a smaller asscher cut diamond look larger in carat weight and visual size.
Why a Diamond’s Cut Clarity Really Matters
Like emerald cuts, this shape of diamond has the clarity of water, allowing you to see all the way through the diamond to the backside of the stone. The step-cut faceting is different than brilliant cut faceting in that it does not “throw” flashes of light the same way round brilliant cut diamonds do. This style of cut is extremely elegant, timeless and beautiful, but it opens itself up to some challenges when selecting the asscher cut diamond. The open faceting in an asscher cut will require a higher clarity grade since even a small inclusion might be visible to the eye. In brilliant cut diamonds such as rounds, cushions, and pear shape diamonds, an SI1 clarity diamond might have no visible imperfections. The imperfections may not be visible because they will be disguised behind the brilliant faceting. However, most SI1 clarity imperfections will be visible in an asscher cut diamond. This may force the buyer into a higher clarity diamond in order to avoid seeing the imperfection. The buyer may elect a VS2 or higher clarity diamond, therefore making this diamond cut a more expensive diamond choice for some buyers.
Why Buy the Asscher Shape Diamond?
The asscher shape diamond has an incredible romance and royalty associated with it. The diamond shape was first cut in 1902 by the Asscher Brothers of Holland and became popular in the Art Deco age following World War I. These brothers were famous for the cutting of the largest rough stone in the world – more than 3,100 carats. The family cut the diamond named “The Excelsior”, which is now on show at the British Crown Jewels. Over the years, this particular stone shape has been perfected, and is often used in vintage and antique inspired diamond rings.
The Ideal Asscher Shape Diamond
Today’s asscher shape diamonds are usually in the shape of a square or a very slight rectangle. The Gemological Institute of America defines an asscher cut diamond is defined as having a square emerald cut, with straight facets with a layered underside. The diamond will typically have larger step facets, as well as a smaller table and a higher crown. And, the stone will be square in shape, having a more equal length to width ratio. Because of this combination of features, this shape diamond will generally give off much more brilliance than the basic emerald cut.
When looking at the best cut asscher diamonds, the gem will actually appear to have concentric squares as one looks down through the table. The most beautiful of the asscher cuts will possess very distinct corners, as well as multiple steps. These stones can give off a remarkable brightness and charm. Shapiro Diamonds focuses on selecting only the most brilliant and most beautiful diamonds for our clients, regardless of what shape diamond they select.
Where to Find the Best Asscher Diamond in Dallas
Shapiro Diamonds is an International Market Buyer of diamonds, and purchases diamonds directly from the international market dealers. We have access to the best diamonds in Dallas and on the international diamond markets. You won’t find a larger collection of loose asscher cut diamonds in Dallas than at Shapiro Diamonds. Generally clients can expect to see between four and ten loose diamonds during a scheduled appointment with us. This is far more selection than you’ll find at a retail jewelry store or other diamond dealer in Dallas. Because of our wholesale diamond connections, we’ll be able to offer you the best prices on diamonds in Dallas. Call us today to view the best diamonds in Dallas.
Until recently, asscher diamonds were somewhat difficult to locate. Yet, over the past few years, this stone shape has gained more popularity – especially as many celebrities have chosen this shaped gem for their unique beauty. Even today, the range of these particular cut stones is still quite a bit smaller than that of other more commonly shaped diamonds such as round diamonds. Therefore, it is essential to not just locate this shaped diamond, but to purchase the stone from a dealer that possesses a high and long standing reputation in the diamond industry such as Shapiro Diamonds.
The Best in Beauty and Value
Buying the perfect custom engagement ring is a one-time event. With that in mind, it is essential to opt for the best quality possible while still obtaining it at a reasonable price. Through its international network of diamond industry leaders, Shapiro Diamonds in Dallas can provide you the most meticulous diamond inventory and gorgeous custom engagement rings at wholesale diamond prices. During your diamond consultation at our showroom, you’ll see a large collection of asscher diamonds within your price range and budget, in a wide range of diamond colors, diamond cuts, diamond clarities and diamond carat weights. This will allow you to balance to Four Cs to find the best balance of all factors for you. Seeing the diamonds side by side, unmounted, is the only way to adequately compare all the factors. This is the way to find the best diamond in beauty and value for you.
The Asscher Cut’s Rarity
Nothing will express your rare love for your fiancé-to-be more than an asscher diamond. The diamond itself is incredibly rare and requires near flawless inclusions to display its brilliance. Giving your love this diamond shape will express to her how incredibly rare you feel your love is and how flawless you feel she is as a person.
It is our recommendation to present the engagement ring in a brighter, lighter area. Although dim lighting is romantic, try presenting this shape diamond in light where the fire of the diamond will sparkle. This will increase the “Wow factor” of the proposal and truly impress your bride to be. We look forward to working with you to find your dream diamond!